Thursday, August 23, 2012

RAPTURE: A Sign is Given But Not a Day

Any moment the rapture of the Church could happen, for it is written  by the Apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 "But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.  For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words."

The primary purpose of the rapture, which is a term not actually found in the Bible, but is meant to define what being  "caught up" is. The actual physical manifestation of the event is further dramatized by a mystery which Paul declares in 1Corinthians 15: 51-55 "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,  In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.  For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?"

These two biblical statements are the strongest in support of the rapture. It is a mystery doctrine simply because no time is given of it's occurrence.  It is also a doctrine of  a supernatural phenomenon reflecting God's gift to believers in Christ at that time. And while no day or date is given we ought to marvel at the power of God's word to create and sustain hope in the return of Christ. For such a doctrine which demonstrates incredible power by God on a level the human mind can hardly grasp is to occur would be an awakening. It will be those left behind as witnesses of such an event that will be made to see at last.  Though they did not believe by faith,  they now may be willing to live and die in Jesus name based on the reality of God. God demonstrate himself and magnifies His Word before all the earth and it will be to His glory.

Our knowing a day isn't important but scripture warns us to watch and know the season. However there is a sign that is given to indicate the probable nearness of it's happening.  Apostle Paul after speaking about that "we that are alive and remain shall be caught up" to be with the Lord in 1 Thess 5:1-6 Paul continues with "But of the times and the seasons, ye have no need that I write unto you..for the day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night. For when they say Peace and Safety then sudden destruction shall come upon them....but don't let that day overtake you as a as children in the watchful and be sober...not slumbering...etc" (I highlighted the key parts of this section).

Sometimes the numbering of chapter and verses can interfere with the flow of the writers message. The original letters did not have numbers. Paul's reference to "peace and safety" is exactly what is going on intensely with Israel and the Arab nations. Here is another role where Israel plays a central part in the prophetic landscape.  There has been what seems like a never ending effort in peace negotiations since Israel was restored as a nation in 1948 in some sense.  There has been a few peace deals with some of the Arab nations such as Egypt, Jordan and perhaps a few others but none has met the "seven year" criteria that is to bring a universal peace among all the Arab nations. 

Many Arab nations has staunchly refused a peace agreement with Israel with Syria being it's most defiant. It is the term of conditions that present the problem particularly with the city Jerusalem.  Include also the fact that a policy of annihilation exist even within some of the Arab's govt. decree surely don't help. Clearly this peace agreement when it is finally achieved, and it will because the scripture states it, the world will be elated and think themselves better than God. The world will be elated over the success but Christians will be alarmed because of biblical prophecy fulfillment.  This success will be recognized far beyond the borders of the Arab nation but a world stamp of approval.  The problem isn't Islam, but from a biblical perspective it's unbelieving Gentiles around the world. Perhaps, we won't be here to see the actual signing.  I am only saying that as the discussion heats up in the middle East peace negotiations and the reality of it becomes possible, look up because our redemption do in fact draw near! 

Ultimately, it will be a peace settlement that will collapse because of it being a false peace, probably built upon a false concept of who God is or is not! It will probably be evident that the peace terms contradict with basic tenets of teh Bible as we have known it. Then both Jew and Gentile will be demonstrating their unbelief in the God through a formal statement published before the throne of Heaven from Earth!! 

That's as far as I go with knowing when the rapture will occur. The Apostle Paul is giving a sign but not a day so let us not ignore the sign we do have before us. It is time to make the Bride ready with expectation by getting the house of the Lord in order. There seems to be too many saints sleeping. Which I think infers a person's heart being in doubt of the reality of Christ coming.  How sad to be so close to receiving the promise of God and yet so many in the churches across America are consumed with so much other stuff that adds nothing to their spiritual growth in Christ.  

Therefore, it is important for us to interpret the sign in accordance with scripture and not 
in accordance with world view.  No man knows the day but when they say peace and safety know that our Lord is even in the clouds. For as the  terms become defined and is set to be signed  so the decree can be, God wants his Church to be ready for the promise by sounding at last....the Trumpet of Departure and so we will hear the sound of His Trump!

Gregory A Booker @ copyright 2012

My book titled "Seven Letters Detailing the Prophetic Framework of the Return of Christ" is available on and  The book expands on the purpose of the Rapture and to comfort the saints in their patient waiting as it is intended for and so much more is provided to see the vision of Christ coming for us in these perilous times.  

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Door to God Requires Us to Knock!

  1. Matthew 7:7 & Luke 11:9 “Ask and it will be given to you ; seek and ye shall find; knock and the door will be opened”.  Let us reflect upon the meaning and use of a “prayer word”. 
        Prayer is the appointed means for obtaining what we need. It is an act of humility and honor toward the God who we ascribe our very existence to. The Lord want us to come and declare our need and desires to Him for he will hear us...always.  Even though scripture declares God also knows our needs before we ask them.  Why then does He advise us to still knock? Perhaps, God does not want us to take him for granted.  He wants us to acknowledge who he is in our lives and that we depend on him for our needs and he can supply us our wants. Communication is what God wants from us and this is vital for our sustenance in Him to be effectual. 
       Whenever we knock on any earthly door we hope someone answers. Prior to approaching the door, I have prepared myself to visit and I took time to present myself in an acceptable way. I took time and expense to go to that destination. Of which, I am also seeking to communicate something to the person on the other side of the door. It should be no different with the God we serve.  In asking God for something we ought to prepare ourselves to commune with him through preparation and this is what prayer is for.  It is an act of preparation to hear from God and he deserves our attention to detail before we knock.  
       My prayer word is knocking on the door of God.  I want to come in and commune with Him. The door exist because of our sin nature but by exercising faith, and knocking on God’s door, with the blood of Jesus covering us, God promises he will open it and invite us in. He will hear our concerns and the desires of our heart and most important, you will get to hear from God. 
      Prayer is so vital to the Christian life and knocking on His Door is our way of acknowledging God has a destination where He dwells with a Door and we are willing to put forth the extra effort of reaching out to Him.  Despite it’s closure which separate us due to our sin nature God hasn't sealed it shut with a do not disturb sign.  Our Lord Jesus has given us the way to God by cleansing us in preparation and provided His Spirit to lead us the God's Door by instruction. I have learned that when the Door is opened it is the God of my life that is all I really need and to commune is the greatest gift of all. Such is prayer which knocks on the heart of God. 

  "In all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer and believing, Ye shall receive...." Matt 21:22

Let it not be that we have not because we ask not....a failure to communicate!  

Article by Gregory Booker 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


These are the words the Lord has spoken:
For our determination has been found before His Throne
And He has heard the desires of our hearts.
And so a place shall be established . . . yea
A habitation that the Spirit of Him might dwell
In the fullness of His Truth.
And in My House shall tears be brought before My Altar.
That there should be joy and joy unspeakable.
For who can know me lest my righteous judgment touch thee.

So let the minister lead and shall the prophet proclaim.
Let the minister protect and the prophet advise.
And shall my minister build the walls
But my prophet shall be without blueprint. For he is mine!
Let these things be. Lest the congregation be overwhelmed
And My Word becomes hindered.
Therefore, I sanction thee to work well in My House.
For the work of the ministry is for
The perfecting of the saints
That they might know the fullness of Him whom I have sent.
Therefore, bring me the fruit of their repentance.
That my Spirit might settle upon the weak
And the lame, the hurt and the fearful.
Yea, even the poor and the lost who need to be found.

I counsel thee to Stand at the Door of My Gate and
Sound the Trumpet of Departure that they might taste
That which is Hope and Hear that which is Pure.
Sound it well that my Spirit might hear thine expectation!
And know for a certainty thy precious Faith.
That it is in my Son, the Christ, the Blessed Redeemer.
Hold fast to that which is true, my Church.
For the God of Israel is set to speak once again.
And it is His righteousness, which shall be declared by his prophets.
So gather the flock my ministers and declare the vision my prophets. 
That we shall make way for the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
Savior to the Gentiles and also Messiah to the Jews. 

Amen & Amen!

To the Churches, let us place these words in the center of our hearts
that they might be found at the entrance of His Church.
Gregory A. Booker
Minister of the Prophetic Word