I think what is sorely missing in far too many churches is the what the rebirth of Israel in 1948 means from a biblical viewpoint. I am amazed at the unwillingness among so many to see God's Word and His Love preparing to give them a redemption as a nation. God will demonstrate that He has not forgotten His people, the Jews, who he foreknew would fail him on Calvary Hill. Is the book of Revelation set before us, the Gentiles, as a sign that God also foreknows the great error among so many unsaved gentiles in that Day?
The key biblical principle is the righteousness of God……First the Jew now it is the Gentiles. Christians ought to see this principal at work but self righteousness prevents this and our own traditions cloud the landscape of the coming storm. Even many churches have their self righteousness and rituals to the same degree the Pharisees did. Refusing to see the physical Christ God placed before them. Now we have a physical Israel before us in our generation and false doctrine and unwarranted fears blind many also. If you want a prophet then God surely will give us one to speak, the problem is how many will really hear! The die has been cast and the season is ripe. This is not about a denomination for God is above our founding fathers on America's land. It is about walking with the Word in the promise God is ready to deliver not to just Israel but to all of us who believe in that same deliverance because of righteousness. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness as it is written. Be ready Church of America….be ready indeed!
The Holy Spirit has made me to see it this way…for indeed it is per the Word. See Romans Ch 11…See the warning Christ gives to the Seven Churches in Revelations…..See the calling of 144,000 men from the 12 Tribes of Israel that only God knows for sure!….Realize the test the Jews had on Calvary Hill but we the Gentiles never did have the same test to try our allegiance to Truth! Is it fair for us to NOT be tried also?
From the Arab nations which surround Israel with the cries of annihilation to the foothills of America's churches determined to live under the Replacement Theology and consider not God's sovereignty to redeem Israel as the words declares " All Israel will be saved in that day…for this is my covenant I make with them" written even in the New Testament. In fairness God will show His might and deliver the rod of iron to Lion of Judah as his feet are predicted to land on Mount Olive in that day and no other place on earth.
To those left behind there will indeed be a cry of Martyrs and they are known as the Tribualtion Saints as they finally see what they refused to believe after the raptured saints and the collapse of a world system as we know it. It will fall into chaos and desperation and then so shall the Antichrist rise above the turmoil and deception and hatred will reach it's peak. And most notably against Israel the nation! But what a mighty God we serve and so shall He demonstrate it……at last! Blessings in the name of Christ!