Tuesday, November 11, 2014

God's Righteousness in Prophetic Utterance

I think what is sorely missing in far too many churches is the what the rebirth of Israel in 1948 means from a biblical viewpoint. I am amazed at the unwillingness among so many to see God's Word and His Love preparing to give them a redemption as a nation. God will demonstrate that He has not forgotten His people, the Jews, who he foreknew would fail him on Calvary Hill. Is the book of Revelation set before us, the Gentiles, as a sign that God also foreknows the great error among so many unsaved gentiles in that Day? 

The key biblical principle is the righteousness of God……First the Jew now it is the Gentiles. Christians ought to see this principal at work but self righteousness prevents this and our own traditions cloud the landscape of the coming storm. Even many churches have their self righteousness and rituals to the same degree the Pharisees did. Refusing to see the physical Christ God placed before them. Now we have a physical Israel before us in our generation and false doctrine and unwarranted fears blind many also. If you want a prophet then God surely will give us one to speak, the problem is how many will really hear! The die has been cast and the season is ripe. This is not about a denomination for God is above our founding fathers on America's land. It is about walking with the Word in the promise God is ready to deliver not to just Israel but to all of us who believe in that same deliverance because of righteousness. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness as it is written. Be ready Church of America….be ready indeed! 

The Holy Spirit has made me to see it this way…for indeed it is per the Word. See Romans Ch 11…See the warning Christ gives to the Seven Churches in Revelations…..See the calling of 144,000 men from the 12 Tribes of Israel that only God knows for sure!….Realize the test the Jews had on Calvary Hill but we the Gentiles never did have the same test to try our allegiance to Truth! Is it fair for us to NOT be tried also? 

From the Arab nations which surround Israel with the cries of annihilation to the foothills of America's churches determined to live under the Replacement Theology and consider not God's sovereignty to redeem Israel as the words declares " All Israel will be saved in that day…for this is my covenant I make with them" written even in the New Testament. In fairness God will show His might and deliver the rod of iron to Lion of Judah as his feet are predicted to land on Mount Olive in that day and no other place on earth. 

To those left behind there will indeed be a cry of Martyrs and they are known as the Tribualtion Saints as they finally see what they refused to believe after the raptured saints and the collapse of a world system as we know it. It will fall into chaos and desperation and then so shall the Antichrist rise above the turmoil and deception and hatred will reach it's peak. And most notably against Israel the nation! But what a mighty God we serve and so shall He demonstrate it……at last! Blessings in the name of Christ!

Monday, August 11, 2014

The Promised Land Debacle and the Cost of Democracy

While there are many lessons that can be learned from this tragic ending to a glorious opportunity for God's people before the land of Canaan, I have yet another to share. The Hebrews were delivered from Egyptian slavery and saw with their own eyes the many miracles of God's handiwork throughout their deliverance. In the wilderness journey they experienced the provisions of God right on up to the promise of the land with milk and honey. But something went wrong and the Spirit speaks to my heart about the conflicting nature of this key event in the ancient Hebrew people. 

Moses had all the creditability and faith he needed to lay hold of the promise that God laid before them from the beginning to enter into the land of milk and honey in Deut 1:20-21. However, the people interjected and thought it best to send spies to search out the land and determine which way to go. Moses took this appeal to God and God agreed and even gave guidance to Moses. At this point, it is particularly challenging for any of us as leaders to demand an approach based on faith only ( God said it ....let's take it) versus the people demand for more facts (let's see what the reality or numbers add up to ...logically speaking). Moses yielded to the peoples approach. What if he hadn't? Would he be seen as an over ruling dictator who declares my way or the highway!! 

The 12 spies go in and search the land ultimately challenging the substance of God's promise to deliver. In Numbers 13:1-2 the Lord gives instruction to Moses how best to address the request of the people to search the Land. God does not force anything and even if we the people do something different than God has directed, God's grace will still offer sound advice for aiding you in your decision making process. Clearly Moses perhaps did not take the stand to support the faith principle instead giving in to the people but still he's only human. God isn't angry....yet!! 

Now here is where the plot thickens, to make the long story short we know that the spies report was 10 voted against going in because there were giants in the land and 2 spies voted (Joshua & Caleb) that we will take the land by faith....saying the Lord has delivered us this far surely we will be protected and blessed! What did the people do? They choose information based on facts (current conditions) and rejected the faith principle declared by Joshua & Caleb. They went with majority rule and such is the first truly published act of democracy at work in it's ancient history. And it demonstrates it's potential to be in opposition to what God wanted to do for his people. In this case, God is ready to deliver on His Promise at last. 

The Hebrews may have still been murmuring, and tired and many may have been yet doubtful of the God that brought them out of Egypt and done so much in the wilderness to bring them to the entry gate of his promise. Despite their behavior God was ready to bless them. Their discontent did not keep them out of the Promised Land. What kept them out was their unbelief in God's promise to deliver His Promise! The Spirit tells me that is an affront to very God we are called to serve and this is where an angry God steps in and declare they shall not enter into it. Scripture reveals they tried to enter the land after God's decree was issued and they failed miserably!! It is written "As ye have spoken in my ear (the Lord) so shall it be unto you." See Numbers CH 14. Basically they got what they choose to believe. 

To magnify this spiritual wisdom and insight and apply it to our journey to the Kingdom to Come we can learn from this debacle. I believe, because of our democratic society, it has much to offer for securing our faithfulness in these turbulent times and for believers at large. Democracy, as good as it is when compared to other forms of governance still has it's limits for application in the House of the Lord. We cannot control what the majority rule may be in church or outside of it. But we better be steadfast and unmovable in having faith in God's promise for a kingdom to come. 

There are many challenging "issues" affecting the church community in our generation and it is particularly impacting our way of living! But let us remember God promise to the Church for a Kingdom to Come and Christ is it's King and Judge. Let's not confuse ourselves. It is not the American dream of home ownership worthy though the goal may be for human comfort and financial stability. The greater foundation and the greater house built is built on Christ words and hope. 

With biblical signs seemingly everywhere indicating end times, God's promise of a New Jerusalem is about to be delivered at last and Christ is looking for his Joshua & Caleb's. God's promises to us as a body of believers is just as real for us as it was to them and so are it's "giants". The Hebrews made the mistake of looking back at the blessings they had received and not the mighty hand of God that made it all possible. Are those, who are Christians, doing the same and looking back at what was lost? Unfortunately a majority of them do seem to be doing just that. They want the good ole days when God may be ready to deliver so much more!

It seems paradoxical that our intellect and our democracy, good as it has been to us, could get in the way of the power of faith and cost us to lose sight of the high calling and it's reward for our hope in Christ and in looking for his appearing. To the Joshua's and Caleb's who hold up the faith principle God will yet reward you as he did so for them. For they went in the Promised Land at last and received the promised. If they so receive so can you. But you must keep the faith and remember the Promise of God. And it is written in Hebrew 4:9-11 "There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that entered into his rest, he also will ceased from his own works as God did from his. Let us therefore labor to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief." 

The deeper issue is having the faith to still believe in the promise when so many don't. Only to have to wait another generation before you get the promise fulfilled in victory. How many of us would have waited like Joshua & Caleb that long and under the stress of being in the wilderness with those who did not have the faith? Let's be honest, it is easy to see the faith of these men but can you live the faith like they had to in the midst of unbelief and suffering in the same "wilderness" through no fault of their own. 

When revisiting this event, most of us are responding to a conclusion but not really understanding the endurance test of their faith. There is so much more to be brought out in this event than a victory lap because most of us today would fail to believe just like the Hebrews did back then given the same obstacles. How do you convince your followers against the fear of being a grasshopper in the midst of giants? We are not doing a very good job in our generation of change! Where is your love for those who live in fear and doubt in the same camp? Joshua and Caleb greatest faith is found in staying with the people and securing them in their predicament due to their lack of faith. God needed them to bring up the next generation of believers in faith in order to take the promise. But Joshua and Caleb had to give up going into the land of Canaan until then and still love them despite the delay in receiving the Promise of God. 

The two men choose not to abandon ship due to their awesome faith but used it to build up the faith of next generation. That is what the apostle Paul calls enduring faith and that is the foreknowledge and power of God at work among men needed to protect us and promote His purposes before the earth!!

In the today's perilous times in which we live there appears to be many christians ready to go with majority rule, when in fact, God may not be blessing us in that direction? Clearly, with the Jews return as a nation in May 1948, God may indeed preparing the New Jerusalem which is spoken of in the Book of Revelations. But first there is the rebirthing of the old Jerusalem physically and literally before us which scripture prophesies. The city is full of strife and under constant attack from many sides especially politically and militarily. Despite this, Christians should be seeing those "giants" about to be put down because of the promise of a new hope and victory which is to be led by Jesus Christ. 

Let the Church not make the same mistake Israel made and fail to believe in the return of Christ for our deliverance and Israel's. Despite the changing world system and the majority rule and a christianity that as Apostle Paul says in 2 Thess 2:3 "Let know man decieve you for the day of Christ shall not come except there come a falling away first and then the man of sin shall be revealed...etc". Certainly in our generation we are seeing unprecedented doubt and disregard for sound biblical beliefs in our own wilderness. But remember God's promise is to he that overcomes! It's very personal, God will not be saving a denomination but individuals who have a love for Him and look for his appearing. The debacle in the promised land ought to be an example to us that majority rule does not rule God and to be encouraged by our faith and know the promise that God gives is the promise we ought not doubt. We are nearing the end of the journey and I say stay the course of sound biblical principals and keep hope alive….still!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Predestination & Foreknowledge of God at Work

God has his way of revealing his power to predestinate key events among mankind. We also, in some instance can call it dispensation of a new era. In addition, the indication of Church Age preparing to come to a close aka "until the fullness of the gentiles come in" as we know it. Doesn't mean it comes to an end but perhaps take on a new look thanks be to God. Because as we see now it is a fractured mess of over a thousands sects with wide varying beliefs and full of apathetic members who are asleep to the reality of any real visitation of Christ return. 

Maybe I am too hopeful but I ask the question then why do we continue to follow Paul, Peter and John for they were full of hope in every way and there words are 2000 years old? Consider this, the last question asked by the disciples to Jesus was just before his Ascension. In Acts 1: 6-7 "When they therefore were come together, they asked of him saying "Lord will thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them, it is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father has put in his own power" . Jesus never said it would never happen as some theologians may have thought so. Shall I follow the word of men or the grace of God and the Word his Holy Spirit gives to us? 

The rebirth or replanting of the nation of Israel back into the ground of the earth is indicative of the greater reality of Christ return. This rebirth is brought to our attention into key  areas of scripture. We have The Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel Ch 37. Also in Romans CH 11 commonly known as The Olive Tree Parable though it is far more than a parable because it is a covenant per verse 26-27.  This has to be a dramatic event in biblical history, future tense. For what many thought to be symbolic or allegorical events about Israel. Now have the added possibility of it being far more literal than many theologians ever wanted to believe. Can we as gentiles be just as blinded and stubborn as the Jews were in their moment of testing? For the Lord did say he comes to test them. What is your answer churches? What on earth makes us, the Gentiles any better that we should NOT be tested?  I believe we are beginning to see the full predestined plan of God before mankind and how marvelous is that! 

Salvation came to the gentiles by God's grace with no effort on our part because of Israel's unbelief. God's word in Romans Ch 11 declares he will also take away Israel's sin by pouring his grace on them because of our unbelief.  What a scripture of deep and sincere wisdom the apostle Paul tells us. Where are the prophets of righteousness in the churches who should help us to see to avoid error in our thinking? It is written in First Thess 5:19-20 "Quench not the Spirit…Despise not prophesyings" I assure you many do both!! We are even told in 1 Corinth 14:39 "Wherefor brethren, covet to prophesy and forbid not to speak in tongues". Covet is usually a negative word when used in scripture but not in this case. By denying the prophetic word of God within a church or theology or ministry you have a reward of blindness and clearly we have that with our pick and choose what we want to believe of the living word of God. Israel is suppose to be our example of how real our God is per the scriptures. 

I ascribe this thinking to the Holy Spirit and I appeal to your ears to hear.  Let us beware of God's agenda even more than our own to secure your faith and pray for what is fair. As righteousness of God is about to be performed and remember this. We serve the God of Israel and what a mighty God he is for He is preparing a demonstration to prove His foreknowledge of us once again and to His glory. God's glory only and let me say he deserves every bit of it even to my lost!! The book of Revelations is the final destiny of this world system and we already got the nuclear weapons to make every bit of it true without any help of an angry God. Predestination and Foreknowledge of God at work together but who shall we hear?  May the Church say Amen. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


 This insightful poem continues to nourish me with the hope of Christ and the person that he truly is. I am blessed to have been able to write it down with such clarity.  For I believe it also ministers to the heart of the reader and prepares us for the great soon coming day of our Lord's return in poetic form.  While it also delivers a stark warning of the fullness of what the Cross means in all it's pain and glory! Your comments are welcome. 


There’s something amiss when the creation resist
all that the Creator stands for.
As I gaze at the cross...it reflects a world lost
With Christ knocking on every Door.
Man thinking himself good...Did that which he thought he should.
With charges of blasphemy and plenty of religiosity
Refused to believe the Word...being filled with animosity.

Delivering the Lord to the Court of courts.
And so the trial did promptly begin.
He was alone, having not a character witness nor even a friend.
And when the judge could find no law against him.
Washing his hands, I’m sure he did what he can...
All...except free this sinless man.
Guilty...Guilty was the outcry from the crowd!
And the Law that was ...became no law at all and yet....God smiled!

So there our Savior laid with out stretched arms. 
Demonstrating His love despite the harm.
And while every man is born in sin...
The injustice we profess don't compare to the injustice he was placed in.
There’s something amiss when the creation resist..
All that the Creator stands for even now....like then. 
But an empty Tomb was God’s reward for a work well done. 
Not to be hid the Lord shoned forth His only Son. 
For Jesus showed His love toward all mankind.
And now there is life after death in only His Name you will find!

But......Let the other side of the cross speak also.
That what and who we are has surely been exposed.
For in God’s love so openly displayed....
We did show our wretchedness  that day.
And God’s Law of Love resoundly defeated...
Our law of justice which we misdeeded. 
Our anger truly showed only to see the peace of God flow.
And our fearfulness for no reason illuminated God’s love for all seasons.
The Cross is the meeting place for all of this....
And believe it or not, the Creator let the creation insist!

So let us remember the wisdom the Cross is meant to bring.
God has a day for justice that righteousness being fairness ought ring.
For the other side of the cross speaks well of his return.
Sitting on the right hand side of the Father...this he earned!
But there are yet those who chose not to believe...
Like doubting Thomas...They say “not by faith but by sight must I see!”
But blessed are those who believe and have not seen!
For no more is God a mystery and neither is he a dream.

For you see.....Grace and Mercy has been born out of Injustice.
And it is the other side of the cross which gives us this message.
That our way of justice means nothing when Truth demands His Return.
For this is why the Word declares the Earth shall burn
And we who are caught up in His Rapture shall bear witness..
Revealing the Other Side of the Cross was a lesson that went Unlearned!

Copyright @Gregory Booker