Romans CH 11 says more than most of us realize. The chapter is often called the Olive Tree parable but in verse 27 God calls it a covenant "For this is my covenant with them (Israel), when I (the Lord) take away their sins". Before this in verse 26 God declares "And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written" Zion the Deliverer will come and turn away ungodliness". And there are more verses in Old and New Testament that refer to a great act of deliverance for Israel.
For clarity sake, salvation and redemption are two different modes of operation and yet can be quite similar in performance. We know our salvation comes in Jesus Christ and I agree scripture states there is no distinction between Jew or Gentile or any other category in this regard. Despite this, God's word continues to proclaim a unique event for this nation. The problem that I see however, is that many christians are failing to realize that God still has an act of redemption for Israel as Romans Ch 11 clearly states. So when it comes to redemption which is the process of rescue or recovering from what was lost. It also refers to seek back from ransom that which was taken. We must be prepared for a fuller understanding of God's word as the Holy Spirit speaks through the apostle Paul.
Romans CH 11 isn't just about salvation but a process of national redemption because "all Israel will be saved". During this process, as the chapter closes, God turns away ungodliness from the gates of the nation of Israel. What does this mean for christians? Without going into detail, the classification of Gentile is simply everybody else who is not Jewish. We must remember there are plenty of gentiles in the world who choose not to accept Christ and downright refuse. Unfortunately even in Christianity there are doctrine that have issues as well that are in opposition to what Romans Ch 11 proclamation declares. But we serve the God of Israel and just maybe when of born again believers in Christ are raptured, national Israel will remain on Earth. Alone and desperate for solutions to survive against an onslaught of discontent and even hatred as we see in the Middle East. Indeed the city of Jerusalem is a cup of trembling!
The problem with gentile christians is the inability of many to acknowledge our side of being the problem!! You and I might see that which is spiritual but when I look at USA and World news, clearly blindness and a stiffnecked mentality is in part on the gentile side also and the churches are no exception considering the great divide we see with theologies that differ from the Word of the Living God.
The doctrine of the Second Coming of Christ is about a hope that lies deep in our hearts and it should be a constant desire to look for his appearing. To some degree has been that way through out Christianity. But now, I see so much biblical potential (facts) for fulfillment before my eyes and and yet churches are caught up in day to day drama with so many of it's members not hoping for Christ at all. There is always the remnant but when looking at it institutionally I see little faith and little expectation just a lot of legal dogma and self righteous mindset. I believe Romans Ch 11 is detailing for us who do see by faith the heart of the problem on the gentile side of the fence in the prophetic realm.
There is Daniel CH 9....Matthew Ch 24 and Romans Ch 11 which Time itself cannot seem to eradicate. Romans Ch 11 reveals to us the heart of the problem to us as Gentiles because the Holy Spirit is giving wisdom about the world of unbelievers and there are plenty who refute Israel's restoration as a biblical fulfillment. There is a cutting away of the gentiles and a regrafting back in Israel and it is happening in our generation. And so it is done as we see the apostasy forewarned by apostle Paul of a falling away within the churches. Even the endorsement of major denominations of gay clergy in the house of the Lord.
We must remember, Gentiles were never put to the test like Israel was concerning who Jesus was? It seems unfair that they had that burden but not your people or mine or anybody else's. Perhaps the shoe is now being placed on the other foot and we aren't wearing it very well either. Proving by the Word of God that there is no distinction between Jew and Gentile concerning error in judgement as well. Perhaps that's why Israel must be saved in that last. Are we reading the Bible to see by faith this biblical reality as Israel was required to see and accept Christ when he first came? Scripture is declaring in Romans CH 11 that Christ, who is Zion the Deliverer, will yet be their Messiah and the glory will belong to God and God only as He turns away ungodliness from Jacob.
I see this based on faith and by the confirmation of the Holy Spirit it seems so fair and righteous. The Church ought to be seeing by faith and not just by sight or human knowledge? The church silence on this redemptive process among their own congregations is pervasive because of it's own jealousies and biases which is the very thing God has warned us about. We have become like old wineskin with an unwillingness to eat the meat of the gospel which in our generation has the new wine of Israel before us after 1900 years of non existence. Knowledge has been refused and wisdom we do cast out! I close with this final thought: Since Christ was Israel's test for hearing the word of God, the question I ask is could God be using Israel to test the world and their ability to hear as well and the churches are no exception?
To me it makes perfect sense despite my human need for self- preservation, it is God who truly preserves us with eternal provisions! I conclude that Romans CH 11 is far more than a parable. It must be recognize for what God calls it and that is a covenant. A covenant is a formal and binding agreement and in this case unconditional. It also can be declared as a promise and pledge to do something at a point and time. This pledge of deliverance is to Israel and it's speak of a future event yet to come. It may have been "hid" by blooming of the Church and distorted by doctrines of doubt due to the distance of time but it is still a covenant in waiting. And so after all the years, perhaps the time has come.
In closing, I advise all to find a quiet place and read this chapter for your own spiritual growth and see the cutting away and now the regrafting back in of Israel in our generation. Israel is the
root of the tree which represent the christian faith. Hold the Bible and you will see the Root! It's their blood, sweat and tears right on up to Calvary Hills's recorded by men under the power of God for the Churches benefit in knowing the true God. There is a final blessing yet for Israel despite their blindness to date for certainly their is blindness on t he Gentile nations as well and we as Christians better be prepared to walk with the Lord in performing His redemption of them in that day. May these words bless you and yours to know the season and may they also be a profit to your ministry.
Good article Gregory.
ReplyDeleteI suspect the church will soon face it's hour of trial when it will seem that the Holy Spirit has left us just as the Jews felt forsaken while in captivity. That is when we will really show our faith... or lack thereof.
Thanks again my friend who plays the game of chess as king and bishop. This article has just been edited, which it needed due to some grammatical errors and should read even better since I also clarified a few points. Many will believe that "the Holy Spirit has left us" as you stated. But I believe and you probably do also, best read it as " many members from within the church has left the hope of God in Christ which gives us the Holy Spirit as our advocacy". God doesn't abandon us we end up abandoning him. Many are not worshiping God in spirit and in truth. Many seek not his kingdom and his righteousness but seek comfort in the things of this world.